For Penn State Students: Register using LionPATH.
For Visiting Students:
1. Look over the schedule of courses available on our website to determine what course(s) are needed. It is recommended that your student doesn't take more than two courses per summer term. The summer is a compressed semester, lasting only 6 weeks, so it is very intense.
2. Email Eva Klein for a course description and syllabus. Your student will need to make sure that their college or university will accept the transfer credits. Your student should bring the syllabus to their school and make sure to get something in writing that says the credits will be accepted. We don't need anything in writing from the school, this is for your benefit so that you are sure that the course that they are taking at Penn State will be accepted by their school.
3. Once their school approves their choice of courses, please fill out the registration form. If your student is busy at school you can fill this out and submit it.
Submitting this form starts the multi-step registration process which is described below:
Submit the initial registration form
PSU will enter your information into our system, called LionPATH
You will receive two emails from PSU, one asking you to create an account with a password, and the other asking you to complete a registration activity guide.
When you have completed all of the above, your account will be active and you will be able to register online for courses on February 2.
The process listed above takes time to complete so it is strongly suggested you take care of this now so that you are ready to register at 12:01 a.m. on February 2, 2024.
Please note: Many of the math and science courses fill quickly so be sure to register as soon as they have made a decision.
For Visiting Students:
You will be billed via LionPATH
For Penn State Students: A bill will be sent to your LionPATH account.
For specific billing questions: call 814-865-6528 or email via the link on
Your student still needs to buy books, get a parking pass, and activate their PSU email account. Directions on how to do this will be sent to you via mail or email.
Check out this page for step-by-step information on what your child needs to do before class begins.