Campus Locations
Admissions, 106 Sutherland Building, 215-881-7600
Registrar, 122 Sutherland Building,215-881-7337/7338
Bursar, 814-865-6528 or email via the link on
Advising Center, 220 Sutherland Building, 215-881-7328
Summer Office, 119 Sutherland Building, Eva Klein, 215-881-7387
Campus Bookstore Summer Hours
To be determined for 2025.
Need a Course Syllabus?
If your college/university requires that you show them a syllabus for the class you are planning to take at Penn State this summer, please contact Eva Klein at 215-881-7387.
- Eva will fax or email the syllabus to you. Please specify in your message the exact title of the course you would like to take and if your school requires any other information.
Motor Vehicle Registration
- Only necessary if you are taking a course in person on campus.
Please go to this link to purchase a permit. You will purchase a purple permit.
Parking Permits can be picked up in 123 Sutherland and the cost is $30 for the summer. Please bring a valid motor vehicle registration card.
Summer Office hours are:
- Monday through Thursday: 8am - 5pm
- Friday: 8 am - 5 pm
After registering for summer you need to do the following:
- Obtain a photo ID. The hours are by appointment
- Purchase any textbooks needed for class. You can find out what books are needed by going to the bookstore website.
- Obtain a parking permit